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I am an independent seller of real cloth nappies. I have been running my company for over 10 years and I only sell tried and tested washable nappies and accessories. Products that I know work well and whose manufacturers are ethical and customer focused. I give honest and practical advice and am concerned with successfully converting parents to real nappies, not to selling regardless of circumstance or need. If you are having problems with you real nappies please contact me, I have a wealth of experience and can usually pinpoint the problem and help you fix it. I am the mother of twins, (now well out of nappies!) and I used washable nappies successfully on my babies with huge success, so for parents of multiples who are anxious about the extra work, rest assured it is not nearly as daunting as it might seem, it saves you a fortune in money and a mountain in waste! I run free demo’s in London and the South East of England, with local councils, and independently. I also accept Real Nappy For London Vouchers either on line or in person at one of the demo’s run in Hackney and Bexley.
I sell many brands (including Totsbots, Bumgenius, Little Lamb, Bummis, Close Parent Popin, Wonderoos and Bambino Mio). I try to be as competitive on price as possible and I will always price match so if you find a product cheaper elsewhere please do let me know. If you buy 10 or more nappies you will receive free liners, 15 nappies a free wet bag, and 20 nappies gets you free liners and wet bags.
I am committed to running a green business, personally and with the companies I deal with. I use only recycled materials where possible and I re-use as much as I can including packaging.